Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Bye, Scooter

I. Lewis "Scooter" (and, really, to whomever gave him that moniker, the thanks of a grateful nation be upon you) Libby, former chief counselor to Vice President, and Commander in Chief of the Army of Darkness, Richard B. "Dick" Cheney, is going for an extended stay to Club Fed. Possibly for thirty years, but at least until he is pardoned by President George W. "W" Bush when the heat dies down. Libby, of course, became the sacrificial lamb in the CIA Leak case in which Ambassador Joe Wilson's hot, hot, CIA operative wife, Valerie Plame, was outed as such by the administration, and subsequently lost her job as a covert agent. What we learned from the verdict, however, is that while the administration has lost a lot of legislative power in the face of the past mid-term elections, they are still very adept at protecting the chief architects of this sham of a government when push comes to shove. So for those of you who would like to see this administration crash and burn through impeachment or what have you, remember: they always find someone just low enough on the food chain to take the fall and keep them out of the shit.

Anyway, Scooter, enjoy your time away. Perhaps you can work on another lewd, ridiculous novel about skiing or whatever it is that you do. Also, don't forget, it's shank or be shanked.


L P said...

I'd be elated if Cheney was my insane grandfather. Seriously.

Sidenote you made one post about wine with the promise of more weekly. I'm not voting for yon if you don't keep your promises. I'm just sayin', man.

James said...

The trick is to beat someone up the first day, that, or become someone's bitch.

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